The historic Cinema Teatro Odeon takes on new life by becoming a Library and Cinema.
The restoration of an iconic place, the respect for its identity, the valorization of the essence itself. Subjected to direct protection by the Ministry of Culture, the Odeon Cinema Theater has been the subject of many interventions that have made this large and precious building accessible again.
Decorations, fountains, floors, lighting fixtures and the magnificent dome have been restored, preserving the original architecture and bringing back the place its ancient beauty and charm.
After a careful study of the origins and historical documents, it was revealed that the inclined audience was built later.
This discovery gave way to considering the removal of the slope and led to to the decision to set up the bookshops in this space.This design choice also made possible to remove architectural barriers.
The heating and air conditioning systems have been completely redone, integrated with the furniture, under the stage and in storage spaces.
A distinctive touch has been given to the bathrooms, designed to recreate the atmosphere of the old theater dressing rooms.
Studio Benaim worked on the restoration, internal renovation and interior design to trasform the historic Cinema Odeon into GO-Giunti Odeon Libray and Cinema. The intervention was handled by the project team: André Benaim, Oscar Benaim, Camilla Santoni, Giovanni Marino.